An Update from Mayor Josh Seaver

An Update from Mayor Josh Seaver

To the citizens of Belle, As most of you are aware, there have been many changes within the city governmental organization over the past several months. That being said, I am proud to be serving once again as Mayor. While we may have stumbled and I understand that my...
City Water Bills for May Will Be Billed in July

City Water Bills for May Will Be Billed in July

Attention City of Belle Water and Sewer Customers, The City of Belle will not be sending out May water bills in June due to unforeseen software issues as we make our meter changes.  You will receive your next bill in July, which will cover both billing periods for May...
Mayor Steve Vogt Resigns from Belle City Council

Mayor Steve Vogt Resigns from Belle City Council

Effective Thursday, May 27, 2021, the City Council accepted the resignation of Mayor Steve Vogt. See below for his resignation letter. The City Council would like to thank Steve for his years of service to the Belle community and look forward to continuing to work...